Monday 8 January 2007

The birthing process

Did anyone tell you how difficult it is to decide on a name? It was hell for me, dude.

For the sake of being original, I'd already decided I had to go with dusundurian (dusun is malay for grove) for the URL. You have to taste that weird spiky fruit man. Just drop by your local Asian store and smell it out. A patient of mine who lived in Penang for years as a landscape designer swore that the two things he missed most about Malaysia was the aforementioned fruit and fried pomfret (a type of fish). Go figure...

Anyway, back to the name searching. Something random, special, unique. Man, how hard could it be..... moments past by, still nothing... Random, random, something cool.

Random imaginings.. yeah, sounded kinda hip and abstract. Bah, that's taken by this chick already. Crappers. What about random thoughts, random musings, bah.. all taken..

Then again, maybe it wasn't so cool. Could do better than that, man. What about some weird sounding shit like Apparatchik or Nomenklatura or Panacea - cool except for the "goddess of healing" bit; Anthology - not writing a book am I... help! This is going nowhere..

Then Ms Google showed me this website. What a stroke of cyber genius! Anyway, clicking "refresh" got me through loads of words - man, I could have done this with a dictionary, but this is way better - and I settled on "internally".

Heck yeah! Internalise this, you MOFO! Hahahahah!!

Because of my allopathic background, it sorta dawned on me that perhaps you shouldn't internalise my ramblings on this blog. Then a dim lightbulb seemed to light up in the mist of my conscience. Only for external use!! Yeeehhaaa.. yippee ki yay kimosabe...

OK gonna go and have my bath now.. ciao netizens...

1 comment:

...$weE+ 666... said...

yayyyyyy! for sooo many 'external' reasons, i am soooooo happy that my far-away long-distance bro FINALLY have his own 'external' blog!!! wuhooo!!!

more updates ya!

btw, dusundurian ke? ermmm, yummy. but pls no tempoyak k... hehehe...

miss u! *hugs & kisses to kak mel & my darling adriana*