Sunday 21 January 2007

A kid's letter

Salam unca and aunty

Daddy's too busy working, so sorry he couldn't reply to your email. Things are good, I am in a creche now (mummy says it is costing her a "bomb"). Mummy is working in a civil engineering firm near where my creche is. She has her masters all wrapped up and am putting pressure on poor ol' dad to finish his MRCP. Dad just sighs a lot and shrugs his shoulders.

Dad says that house prices are "stagnating" here in Dublin. I dunno what that means. Has it been windy at your place unca? I like the wind but daddy always calls me indoors or into the car. I think he is just a fusspot.

Do come over to visit us when you can. You must call daddy first though because he says he is a "workaholic". Maybe if you come then daddy can stay home too instead of going to the hospital.

There are people there called "nurses", and they like to hug me and pinch my cheeks so I don't like it anymore. But daddy brings me around to the shop and I can get some chocolate buttons. Mmmmm.. I think daddy just likes to show me off.

OK unca, I have to go now. See you soon. Bye-bye.


1 comment:

k.d said...

Ala..awww..that is sooo sweeet Zac..

Should write more this kind of material..

But of course..that's from a female point of view..