Monday 22 January 2007

Passions (Part un)

I possess several passions in life. The first two of them are probably stuck in traffic on their way to their respective destinations for the day. Mummy: workplace, Kid: creche. The kid (refer to the post below) is probably watching Spongebob on her portable DVD player and mum is busy negotiating the M50, also known as "The World's Largest Carpark" for the wrong reasons.

A workaholic by my own volition, I juggle two jobs; a private hospital and a convalescent home. Hopefully, something in the pipeline would also come to fruition. If there was a machine that could split myself into several functional pieces (preferably without pain) I would probably be first in the queue. Time has never been so envious of me. The days I spent lazing about in medical school are all but a hazy memory.

You may think its cliché, but I love my job. I love the camaraderie that I have with colleagues, nurses and patients. Of course I get the difficult ones, but I deal with them as best as one can. I have had valuable interactions with people from all walks of life; from spunky, unassuming nonagenarians down to celebrities Anne McCaffrey, Ronan Keating, Sinead O'Connor, Ray D'Arcy to name but a few. I treat them all with the same degree of professionalism to which I was instructed in.

I am also enamoured with the ancient metal of kings, Gold. Why have I become so? I don't really know. I think Gold came into vogue only about 5 years ago, to which I am a late entrant into the scheme of things. By the way, I am not talking about gold jewellery either. This is the real thing, bullions to be exact. Click the ad at the very bottom of this page for an easy way of owning some. (Plug plug... wink wink...)

A keen observer of the economy, thanks in part also to this great site, which I refer to on a daily basis. As I am one of those people who are paying off a hefty mortgage, it pays to be aware of these things. And I suggest that you, my dear reader, take the first step in gaining control of your finance by reading this.

A close friend, confidante and father-figure to me, mentioned in passing, "Work hard while you're still young, the payoff will come someday you'll see. You see me now living comfortably, but did anybody notice I was striving hard as a younger man?". Unfortunately, nothing comes easy in life, and very few things come free either.

So enough proselytising. I'm actually off this morning, need to go get some breakie and do some house chores. A bit of hoovering could be therapeutic, no?

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